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One Thousand and One Nights with the Chinook Winds and Guest Readers

January 21 Fundraiser at Cassiopeia Books will be a night of music and good stories

The Chinook Winds will partner with local actors, authors, and experts to present tales from the famed classic “One Thousand and One Nights.” In between readings, the musicians will perform a woodwind quintet version of Rimsky-Korsakov's Scheherazade. Proceeds from the event will go toward the Chinook Winds CD recording project of this piece (and others) in March. The event will be held at 7pm on Monday, January 21 at Cassiopeia Books.

The readers will be Jamie Ford, Curtis Bobbitt, Stacey Bergquist, Beth Britton and a couple of surprises!

There will be food, drinks, and raffle prizes!

Admission is by donation (suggested: $10)

“The Thousand and One Nights are a compilation of stories from a variety of cultures,” said oboist Lauren Blackerby. “Their humor, imagination, and characters have inspired musicians through centuries. Because Rimsky-Korsakov’s orchestral version of Scheherazade has recently been arranged for woodwind quintet, we are excited to present one of the most famous and beloved versions of these tales in music…that can fit inside Cassiopeia Books.”

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